Swipe on accessories in dressing room
eddie lopez
It would be nice to be able to swipe on your accessories directly in the dressing room feature (like you can with shirts, pants and shoes)
As of right now, the dressing room feature only allows accessories to be placed on the side rather than on the avatar.
This does not provide a good idea of what it would actually look like in real life.
As a work around, I have been opening the canvas feature after the dressing room to manually place my bracelets and necklaces on the avatar.
However this takes forever compared to just swiping in the dressing room feature.
Below is an example of how I place the accessories to match real life
Ludwig Henne
The next app update brings a major improvement to the dressing room, including swipe-able accessories like you proposed!
eddie lopez
Ludwig Henne no wayyy!! 😮 Is it going to be the 1.99 update?
Ludwig Henne
thank you @eddie lopez, very clear! The accessories are indeed pretty new to the Dressing Room feature. For now I kept it simple without swiping, because one of the challenges I need to solve from a user experience point is how to keep the selection simple. As of right now you just select the "slot" on the avatar by tapping on it. But as you add more layers and images on top of each other (like the necklace in your image), you won't be able to select items anymore because they can block each other. For example you add a necklace and a bag and the underlying t-shirt will be hard to select.
To solve this maybe some sort of layer selector would work where you can specify exactly which slot to select. But it makes things less intuitive so I didn't pursue it yet.
I do totally understand your request however, I'll try to find a good solution that is both easy to use and capable of making complex outfit combinations.
eddie lopez
Ludwig Henne ahhhh that’s a very valid point!!
What if when you hit the “add accessory “ button, it goes into the “Accesory Editor mode” which looks exactly like when you are adding layers for shirts?
And the different sections is broken up by body parts:
- Neck (Necklaces & scarves)
- Left wrist (bracelets & watches)
- Right wrist (bracelets & watches)
- Left ankle (anklets)
- Right ankle (anklets)
You could also separate it by clothing categories themselves but it would take up more space in the UI.
In this mode non-accessory items cannot be selected.
Here is a mock up:
Ludwig Henne
eddie lopez thanks for the mockup, that could indeed work! Good idea to have something similar to the top layer selector.
eddie lopez
Ludwig Henne happy to help!! 😁