As a user, I would like the option to make wishlist items appear in the wardrobe. By default, wishlist items should not appear in the wardrobe. Use case: I regularly upload images of pieces I am interested in and see how they work with the rest of my wardrobe by creating outfits/using shuffle etc. I do this for a period of time until I feel that this would be a good purchase. After this point I don’t want to see them in my wardrobe anymore (because I can’t actually wear them!) but I do want them to remain on the wishlist. At present, I have to duplicate work as I add to wishlist with a link as my ‘permanent’ reminder but also to the wardrobe so I can play with it and see if it’s filling a gap or just a whim. I then have to remove from wardrobe but leave in wishlist till I buy it, and then if I later buy it I have to recreate in wardrobe as there is no ‘move from wishlist to wardrobe’ functionality. Doing this also messes up the insight data as I never schedule a wishlist item to wear and they also bloat the wardrobe falsely. Requirements: individual wishlist item has on/off toggle for ‘appear in wardrobe’ When toggled ‘on’, relevant item appears in wardrobe and follows wardrobe behaviours (inclusion in suggestions, shuffle etc) flag shows in wardrobe to indicate item is wishlist only Item stats are excluded from insights data Item appearing in wardrobe can be toggled off and on ad infinitum until deleted from wishlist or purchased Removal from wardrobe via toggle does not remove from wishlist Delete from wardrobe does not remove from wishlist Delete from wishlist whilst toggle is set to ‘on’ AND ‘off’ removes from wishlist AND wardrobe Use of the ‘purchase’ button in the wishlist automatically adds item to wardrobe, item is greyed out on wishlist, toggle option is removed. Thanks for your consideration :)